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- Characters
- Major Characters
- Supporting Characters
- Moshel Atoosa'Shoket
- Clemhand the Spy
- Arna Clinders
- Bali’Ekt Safir’al’Chaya’Radij din’Matesha
- Citrene
- Emba 'Ekt Nayabel'al'Djejji'Chadesh din'Matesha
- Elcrona
- Helkint
- Leila
- Graz Mayhew
- Nagoa
- Larthon Ractor
- Reni
- Sir Atelon Mavelyn Scrudton
- Sellior
- Tlin
- Sveren
- Vathorem
- Zartheim of the Texelfoote Clan
- Minor Characters
- Lt. Atsish
- Benno the Blue Elf
- Clara the Donkey
- Bess Crabblenathy
- Craggle
- Ekval the Norsan
- Eldernoth Furblog
- Elshin
- Eralus
- Dr. Phinneas Flumpert
- Gilflesh
- Sylon Goill
- Avadon Clarence Grundelthump
- Helliktan
- Homchi
- Gilfreed Rentheus Ilsokin
- Sgt. Renesaleer F. Kinnons
- Drasha Must
- Nadras
- Narchect
- Narchlar
- Major Ambrose Pearson
- Prilla the Barmaid
- Oertemis
- Etherton Scrubner
- Shalini
- Madame Elspeth Slomp
- Queen Svava
- Lord Topelthorpe
- Delando and Felendia Worthis
- Lendnisa Worthis
- Figures, Flora, and Fauna
- Figures
- The Green Woman
- The Old Man
- Prabil Worthis
- Queen Lilhelndine
- Semadra, The First Tinker
- Skillilinilia
- The Sprite Queen
- The Web-Footed Elf of Susselfen
- The Woman in the Weeds
- Flora
- Fauna
- Fethil Sheep
- The Nybbas
- Sprites of the Erkenheld
- Mersprites and Octopodes
- Wee Monsters of the Pokelocken
- Sentient Races
- Places of Interest
- Provinces of Elothnin
- Cities of Note
- Populated Regions
- Brovnajian Steppes
- The Dark Lands
- The Land of Elothnin
- The Erkenheld Forest
- Klevarcht Mountains
- San-Kesh Desert
- Magical Locales
- Elftown
- The Elvish Ruins
- The Great Land Sea
- The Magickal Paths of the Forest
- The Pokelocken
- The Shrine in the Forest
- The Vinkenti Gate
- Mundayne Locales
- Other Sundry Things of Note
- Elothninian Culture
- Elothninian Fashions
- Elothninian Folklore
- Education in Elothnin
- High Etiquette in Elothnin
- Otellian Calendar
- The Queen's Court
- Silothil
- Worthis Clan
- Vassalships
- The Border Wars
- Alamadour
- The Burning of Neerhemfeth
- The Great Green Wall
- History of the Border Wars
- Imperial Army
- Mundayne Hegemony
- Rebel Forces
- Randle's Folly
- The Service and Loyalty Act of 953
- The Years of Red Grain
- Foreign History and Customs
- Elvish Dueling
- The Elvo-Felintark Empire
- The Origin of the Athenorkos Elves
- The Origin of the Vinkenti Elves
- A Short History of the Red Elves
- Magickology
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