Vathorem is an elf in Jellihondor's north-bound battalion. He is a little older than most of the other elves in the group, and is closest in age to Rethnaki. Vathorem is firmly committed to the ideals of the Rebel Army, but has begun to question whether he can best serve the Rebels' interests as a footsoldier in the army - in the last few battles he has (barely) lived through, Vathorem has realized that he is not as skilled with weapons as his fellows (or even Jarthen!) and apparently much more accident prone.
He is, however, highly skilled at the social graces forms of magick that red elves posses, able to perform lingering glamours, cause others to fall in love with him, and detect lies with some accuracy. Vathorem has been gathering the courage to approach Jellihondor about his role in the Rebel Army, but never seems to quite find the right time for it.
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