The Rebel Forces is the name given to the rag-tag group of bandits that have been warring with the Queen for the last 150-200 years. Not really an army so much as a series of loose alliances between various magic-related species, historically they have fought in small groups and clumps separated by species. Beings that have made confirmed attacks include elves (specifically red elves), centaurs, gnomes, dwarves, a handful of mages, and the rare disillusioned ogre.
In recent years, the internal structure of the Rebel Forces has undergone a number of changes. They appear to have banded together into two or three large battalions, each of which contains a multiplicity of beings. A new spirit has developed, and the rebels now view themselves as a

Those who have fought such battalions in battle report that a leader for each group seems to be designated and oversees his own species, but that the entire group works together as a whole. While their small numbers still relegate them to variants of guerilla warfare, their newly cooperative strategy is proving to be highly effective.
Language in the Rebel Army
As can be expected, language barriers quickly emerged when this group of wildly different creatures banded together. Many of these beings had never interacted with anyone who was not of their own race! Given the hermetic tendencies of such races as centaurs and gnomes, it comes as no surprise that each race has developed its own tongue. Some races (man included!) , like elves and centaurs, even have dialects among their groupings that are barely distinguishable to one another.
The Old Man proved invaluable in sorting out this rather nasty and convoluted problem. In his infinite age and wisdom, he had learned a great many languages, and was able to ascertain what was spoken by whom, and thus, who could talk to one another. Upon further investigation, the Old Man found that the Common Tongue of Elothnin was the most widely understood. The Rebel Army has subsequently made it a formal practice to have at least one or two members of each race and tribe be fluent in the Common Tongue in order to communicate with others in the army, and translate information back to their fellows.
See Also:
Jarthen Furblog
Imperial Army
Erkenheld Forest
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