Jellihondor is an elf of approximately 400 years of age, is known for his propensity to devolve into long, obtuse stories whose meaning is often unclear, even upon their completion (a trait shared by many red elves). Furthermore, Jellihondor was born and raised in a small valley deep in the Klevarcht mountains, and most likely still has family there. When not in the midst of battle, Jelli wants to do nothing more than those things his people do best: smoke pipe-weed and spin tall tales. He finds it highly amusing that his dearest friend, Glothnafar, cannot abide either.
Jellihondor, like most red elves, is gifted with languages. He speaks most elvish dialects with ease, and is known to be fluent in Gnomish and Centaurian languages as well. He learned the Common Tongue at relatively old age, however, and his speech still bears an impenetrably thick Elvish accent.
He commands the rebels' elvish forces, which make up the largest single contingent in the army, and is an active tactician for the group as a whole. Jellihondor's leadership abilities and insight are highly respected among the Rebel Forces. He has been with the Rebel Forces since the beginning of the 200 year old conflict, during which time he has worked to build bridges between other races, contributing to the multi-racial makeup of the army.
In a rather unexpected (and some would say ill-conceived) move, Jellihondor split his battalion off from the main body of the Rebel Army when it started moving south. He and his small band of adventurers traveled north, where he managed to defeat Queen Svava in a duel in order to gain access to the Vinkenti Gate - a mystical place many in his company thought did not actually exist!
See Also:
The Art of Seeing
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