Monday, November 12, 2007

The Art of Seeing

The art of seeing refers to the clairvoyant tendencies sometimes displayed by sentient creatures. Seers are generally able to make predictions about future outcomes with uncommon accuracy, and posses knowledge about present events or past occurrences that logically they have no way of knowing.

Seeing is a mysterious phenomenon, and is not well understood by any race in particular. been erroneously categorized as a subsection of magic in the past, but Flumpert's thorough work has proven that the possession of clairvoyance and magical abilities are largely independent of one another. Seers appear in all the races, but most frequently tend to be elves, centaurs, or humans. Among humans, there are few Elothninian seers, as the culture tends to perceive the abilities of clairvoyants as the symptoms of madness. The barbarians in the Dark Lands, however are reported to revere the art of seeing, and their seers are held in great esteem (see right).

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