Arna Clinder, a barmaid (and barmaid only, she is quite quick to add) at The Blushing Loaf, wears her 30-something years well. She's retained the curvaceous physique of her youth and few, if any, gray hairs are noticeable in blonde locks. Though the small crows feet around her eyes and smile lines around her mouth do betray her age slightly, many think that they make her smiles and laughter that much more endearing.
Arna gre up in a small village on the border of the Fethil and the Klevaracht Mountains, and her village had a strong relationship with some of the nearby elvish compounds, and even learn to the locale red elvish dialect suprisingly well. As a result, Arna finds herself equally comfortable with the red elvish patrons and staff as she is with the human staff and patrons.
Arna tends to regard Nelhoepher and Lem as harmless and lovable gits, and treats them more like pets than patrons. She has developed a great fondness towards the young Bertronius, believing him to be a bright and polite young boy who, she is sure, will grow up to be quite handsome indeed.
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