Of all the strange and menacing things in the Dark Lands, none is more feared than the nybbas - a species of psuedo-sentient bloodthirsty apes that feast on travelers. The creatures are quite large, standing at a muscular 4 1/2 feet tall on their back legs and covered in reddish-brown fur. They are strictly carnivores, and use their pointed, razor-sharp teeth and claws to rip their prey apart.
But the most dangerous weapon these strange creatures have is their intelligence. They fearsome apes stick together in clannish family groups, which build a home nest in areas that travelers are likely to venture through. Travelers claim that the nybbas set elaborate traps for their prey, much like spiders do for flies.
Their malevolent cunning is so impressive that many over the years have claimed them to be magickal. In fact, the Inala named them nybbas, their word for demon, for this reason. Recent autopsies of the creatures have revealed no signs of Flumpert nodes, leading scholars to conclude that their evil is purely natural in kind.
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