The life of Prilla Symplwimple, a moon-faced and pleasantly plump girl who earns her daily bread as the barmaid of a hard scrabble tavern in a nameless border town in the province of Perejin, had been decidedly uneventful. Prilla has always been an amiable sort, getting along with most anyone she comes into contact with, allowing her to live free of the complications and frustations more abrasive or melodramatic folks suffer from.
Though her life would be boring, perhaps even stifling to more adventurous types, Prilla is content with her position. She is one of those rare few who are genuinely fulfilled by the small luxuries one encounters everyday - a good bowl of mush perhaps, or a warm smile from a red-headed lad. Hers is a tale free from suspense or drama, the kind of life of people who are perfectly comfortable with the status quo and for whom their diligent adherence to reigning customs allows them peace of mind and little heartache. Sadly for you, dear readers, such tales are often quite boring, and therefore, usually not worth telling.
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