Having come from a long and well-known line of caravaners, Nayabel presumed she would go into the family business from an early age. Unlike many felintarks, she was homeschooled and received her education on the long trips her parents took across the great desolate stretches of land south of the Elvo-Felintark empire. The result of this is that Nayabel knows the business like the back of her hand - all the trade routes by heart, who is trustworthy and who is not, and fluently speaks several useful languages. By the same token, Nayabel's general working knowledge of other aspects of life is somewhat lacking in comparison.
Those that know her say that Nayabel is an extremely competent woman, but tends to be a bit scattered and absent-minded. Her pockets tend to be stuffed with bits of paper with cryptic notes scrawled on them that she can rarely decipher and she has been known to trail off in mid-sentence in a way which suggests she suddenly became preoccupied with another thought.
See Also:
Bali’Ekt Safir’al’Chaya’Radij din’Matesha
Moshel Atoosa'Shoket
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