Like so many tinker elves, Moshel strikes those around him as somewhat disinterested in others but nevertheless able to read and understand their motivations with uncanny accuracy. Those that know him say that this strange ability is especially pronounced with Moshel, which makes him invaluable as a part of a team of caravaners. His ability as a 'shaper' - or one that uses a form of tinkering magick to uncover existing natural patterns - has kept his band of travelers from being cheated or attacked on many occasions.
When not engaged in such activities, Moshel tend to occupy himself by building small flying machines and mechanical birds. Though not as skilled at this as he is at organizing trade routes, his creations never cease to amaze those around him with their ingenuity and intricate design.
See Also:
Bali’Ekt Safir’al’Chaya’Radij din’Matesha
Emba 'Ekt Nayabel'al'Djejji'Chadesh din'Matesha
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