Bess Crabblenathy is a hard-scrabble woman with a face that suggests she's withstood many of the traumas and losses that characterize so many of the peasants on the front. Though never seen as a beauty, Bess was, in her earlier days in Perejin, a charming and good-natured lass. Slowly, as the war drug on and took her fiancee, her brothers, and her firstborn son (born out of wedlock while her fiancee was away) from her. Each loss etched itself onto her weather-hardened face and steeled her heart a little more.
After the loss of her son fifteen years ago, Bess became somewhat of a recluse. She bought a farm cheap by a family who was fleeing the area and haggled with nearby farmers to gather a wide selection of beasts of burden. Renting them out, and occasionally selling them, to travelers earns her enough coin to eke out a comfortable living.
See Also:
Clara the Donkey
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