the scenic eastern coast of Ostrassa Elothnin's southernmost province, Ostrassa, is notable both for its coastal bounty and fabulous arts: it is a land of both arts and trade. The province lies to the south of
Helletiern and
Shabarcht, and has the longest coastline of any province in Elothnin. Thanks to it's extensive access to the sea, and many hospitable ports, the bulk of Ostrassa's population make their living fishing and carrying goods to other Elothninian ports, and those beyond.

Ostrassa is also home to the mysterious
Pokelocken swamp. The Pokelocken, an enormous, virtually impassable expanse of wetlands, is alleged to be inhabited by the most unimaginable creatures. As a result, this area has captured the imagination of many Elothninians, though few have been courageous enough to penetrate its forbidding boundaries.
Without a doubt, Ostrassa's most famous attraction is the fabulous port city of
Opleneer. In addition to bustling fish markets, a diverse and ever-changing group of traders, and an unceasing parade of ships from as far away as the
Elvo-Felintark Empire, the city is home to the most vibrant artistic scene in all of Elothnin. Countless practitioners of all the arts (particularly
Silothil) congregate around Opleneer's universities and its numerous, wealthy patrons.
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