Zartheim shares with Jarthen the distinction of being one of the few rebels who is a native Elothininian. Zartheim's parents, members of the Texelfoote clan, left the Brovnajian Steppes as part of the Ogrish Diaspora and made their way to the clan's small colony near Lollimar. Zartheim grew up among giants, but in close proximity to humans, and is fluent in both Ogrish and the Common Tongue.
Zartheim joined the Rebel Forces when he realized that the discriminatory nature of the Border Wars put the giant communities scattered throughout Elothnin in danger. Currently, he uses his bilingual status, and his ambiguous height to occasionally gather intelligence from the Imperial Army.
Recent events in Jellihondor's battalion suggest that Zartheim's long-held hopes that his missions in the Rebel Forces would eventually lead him to his ancestral homeland: the small group have opened the Vinkenti Gate, a direct pathway into the steppes!
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