Craggle is a high-ranking spy in the Imperial Army. Like many of his vocation, he is shrouded in mystery - however, this may be due in large part to his often unintelligible speaking voice. Craggle's distinctive growl means that he is not very adept at the sneakier sides of spying, and is virtually never sent on missions which requires undercover infiltration to gain information. He is, however, considered a ballistics expert, and has displayed a vast amount of knowledge regarding the the selection and placement of explosives for maximum effect. It is suspected that he is quite good at torture, as well.
The personal history of Craggle is unclear. In fact, even his name is unclear, as no one in the Imperial Army actually knows whether Craggle is his first or last name. A recent biographer has found that his records (still with just the one name, mind you) show that he joined the Imperial Army at a small outpost in the province of Perejin during a short lull in the Border Wars. Interviews with the officers stationed there further revealed the Craggle soon distinguished himself from the other recruits:
Craggle was always a strange one. You know, with that bushy mess o' hair and that gruff, gravelly voice, all o' us officers jes' took him fer another woodsman's son trying to break out o' the timber trade. Personally, I thought he was dumber than a sack o' nails, but I tell ye true I underestimated him! Brilliant in hand-to-hand combat he is, didn't hardly need no training at all!
Thing 'bout Craggle is he makes a terrible soldier as he will jes' refuse orders he thinks are stupid. Jes' stand there while ye glare at him and yell at him and not even raise an eyebrow. So, that's why I sent him to the spy corps. He already had combat skills and he had that 'lone wolf' disposition that the spies like so much.
Since being trained as a spy, Craggle has received many honors for his ability to extract information from even the most willful of captured rebels, and currently holds the records for most active missions completed by a single spy. He is currently stationed at the Fethilian front, where he is taking a brief hiatus from active missions to train new recruits in the more brutal aspects of spying. Recently, he has taken up cooking as a hobby and his fellow spies report that he has seems to have an exceptionally varied and refined palate.
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