Hieronymous Percival Topelthorpe was born to one of the most prestigious families in Opleneer. His father held a post at the University in the great city, and taught the art of silothil and grand literature to the young sons of upper-crust families. Topelthorpe's mother was a young a vivacious woman who was prone to spend many nights at various galas and balls, a habit which raised more a few eyebrows around town.
Unfortunately, the bright fire of her young life was cruelly snuffed out when Topelthorpe was 13 years old. Topelthorpe, home for the day from school, found her lifeless form crumpled pitifully in the house. No known cause of death was ever determined, but Topelthorpe suspected his father of poisoning her for the rest of his days. This caused a terrible rift between the two, and is thought to be a major reason the young lad signed up with the Imperial Army as a career soldier at the tender age of 16.
Topelthorpe has spent much of his adult life torn between the opulent tastes and refined nature he acquired growing up in Opleneer and the harsh, brutal life of a soldier. Unlike other career soldiers, Topelthorpe has never longed for a comfortable post in Neerhemhind. He found that the capital city of Elothnin brought back memories of his childhood, and the painful loss of his mother. Instead, he sought out posts in the Fethilian borderlands, in the thick of action. He honed his strategic skills in this crucible, eventually becoming the keenest tactical mind of his generation.
Not much is known of Topelthorpe's personal life. He is a confirmed bachelor, and is purported to have never even courted a lady of standing, much less come close to marriage (there are rumors, however, that he has served as a confidante of the Queen herself). Those who know him suggest that Topelthorpe has become vain and pompous about his military brilliance in his later years, a trait which has alienated many of his fellow high-ranking officers. These days, he can be found moving about the country in a rickshaw pulled by strapping young porters. Topelthorpe requires that his tent be stocked with plenty of cushions and good brandy wherever he makes camp.
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