Sunday, March 16, 2008


Tlin, in happier times

The story of Tlin, a red elvish archer in Jellihondor's battalion, is a sad one indeed. Like so many young soldiers, he was a casualty of senseless violence that he scarcely understood.

Tlin hailed from a small red elvish village near the western edge of the Fethil, and the inhabitants' close proximity to the Border Wars (including, from time to time, being ambushed by Imperial raiders) has made them more sympathetic to the Rebels' cause than other red evish enclaves. In fact, Tlin's family has quite a record with the Rebel Army - Tlin's father and three of his uncles (including the infamous Valiyon) were among the first and most notable red elves to join the fight. Most of the younger generation of the family (Tlin included) were inspired by their ideals and efforts, and joined with the Rebels as soon as their parents allowed it.

Tlin himself was a reserved, slightly nervous young elf with a quick mind. Since having met and befriended Helkint, Tlin displayed innate diplomatic talents as well: he was quite able to talk his best friend out of the quarrels Helkint manages to spark everywhere he goes, and often smooths matter out peacefully on top of it.

Tlin met his untimely demise at the hands of a race of psuedo-sentient malicious apes in the Dark Lands. His death, mercifully swift, haunts the bereaved Helkint to this day.

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