Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Great Unveiling

Jon and I have had a couple of things up our collective sleeve for awhile. First, we've been trying to think of a way to show our appreciation for you, the readers. Because Jarthen HQ would be sad and empty without you. Therefore, we'd like to honor each of you in turn by declaring you to be the Reader o' the Month!

And who is our inaugural Reader o' the Month, you ask? Hoping it's you1, perhaps?! Well....if you're the singular Jennifer Renee Chiko, then your hopes have been fulfilled!

Ms. November quite frankly states:
"This [section which only features Bertronius] was actually probably the most enjoyable part of the Jarthen saga that I have read so far. I wonder if that says anything about my subconscious feelings towards Jarthen himself."

How could we not give it to Jennie? She's left, like, 98% of the comments, presumably making her our most dedicated, and vocal, reader. Now, Jennie you get more than just our affection, you also get a prize of your choosing from surprise number 2...the Jarthen Store2!

That's right, folks, you can now purchase a whole host of Jarthen-related products. Our recommendation to Jennie is the Madge Bobbins t-shirt, but there's plenty more in there to choose from. Leave a comment accepting your role as the Most Fantastic of November Reader, tell us what you want and where to send it, and it's yours.

Since Jarthen's not like a real gig or anything, and we're not expecting to make money off it (the store opening is mostly just because it's funny, not because we're expecting you guys to put us through graduate school one bumper sticker at a time), we have the free account where they only let you make one of each product at once. Which brings me to the Mug O' the Month!

Every month, we'll make a mug featuring a different character's visage and words. For our very first mug, we hope the first in a great line of mugs, we have quite logically chosen Jarthen! If you're a big fan of our vapid protagonist, pick one up. If (like myself and This Month's Most Esteemed of Readers) you can take or leave him, just stay tuned until we hit a character you do like, and snap that one up instead.

Trying desperately to keep you interested,

Melissa and Jon

1If you were hoping it was you and it wasn't, but you've left a few comments already, you're probably going to be recognized in December. If you were hoping it was you and it wasn't, and you've never left a comment, then we don't even know you read this blog! How can we recognize you when you keep hiding yourself? Leave a comment, O Anonymous One!

2All proceeds go to pizza and milkshakes, absolutely necessary to fuel the creative process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so honored! I never dreamed that my faithful readership would be honored with public recognition and free swag! Thank you! Thank you so much!

And of course I will take one of the highly-anticipated Madge Bobbins t-shirts (size medium)! Madge looks great, and I will be proud to wear her emblazoned across my bosom!

My thanks go out to my loyal co-reader, Arthur, who never leaves comments but who always helps me post mine, and to Melissa and Jon, whose hard work provides me with the fodder to leave such copious amounts of comments.