Delando and Felindia Worthis, the parents of one Bertronius Worthis in addition to two older boys and a younger sister, come from very different milieus albeit with similar levels of prestige.
Felindia Negelthon was born in the province of Shabarcht in the city of Tresleneer, where her father, Argus, was a prominent merchant with aspirations to that sort of legitimate esteem that is reserved for individuals of noble birth alone. Though he had made a considerable fortune as a broker of deals for various precious minerals, astutely invested in various mining endeavors, and shrewdly maneuvered his way into a position of substantial local power, he lacked one thing: a title. In this day and age the Queen of Elothnin is not in the habit of distributing vassalships or even lesser marks of distinction willy-nilly. Rather, it is only through considerable luck and not a little happenstance that one is usually able to achieve honor of this sort. Although his fiduciary resources were of little use to him in the pursuit of a social mobility, Argus Negelthon did possess something that could potentially aid him in this endeavor: a beautiful, brilliant daughter.
Felindia was an unusually bright child with an inquisitive mind that exhausted the energies of even the most assiduous of tutors. Her mind never tired of engagement, and if she was not chattering away about what she had most recently learned, then she had her nose buried in a book, eagerly acquiring whatever knowledge was available to her. Her boundless intellectual energies were combined with one of the most comely figures and beautiful visages in all of Tresleneer, and a deep passion for uplifting the ignorant, unwashed masses that she observed throughout the city and surrounding environs.
When she had reached the age of 18 her father decided that it was time for her to marry, and he had long been in search of a suitable mate that would both make his daughter happy and increase his social capital. Argus searched throughout the empire for a suitor that would satisfy these conditions, eventually reaching the country's western hinterland. It was here that Argus first encountered the dashing young Delando Worthis.
Delando, a descendant of the legendary Prabil Worthis, was born and raised in the West Fethil where his father played the leading role in the small hamlet's politics. Delando's father had also been hoping to find a suitable mate for his strapping young son, but his obligations to his local constituents meant that he had little time to search for more worthy spouses than can be found among the barmaids and farm girls of West Fethil. When Alfel, Delando's father, met Argus the two immediately discovered the mutual beneficence that would accrue to each of their families should a union be thereto affected. They quickly agreed that Felindia would become Delando's wife, bringing a large dowry with her to the West Fethil where she would live, while Alfel's political stock and power would be considerably increased in his own region to the benefit to his commercial interests.
When confronted with the news that he was to be married to a woman that he had never met from the other side of the empire Delando initially balked. He could not believe that his father would enter into an agreement of such import without even consulting his feelings on the matter. Felindia had similar anxieties about the marriage, and neither was particularly enthused by the prospect of meeting the other.
However, one meeting was all it took for their feelings to change: the young pair fell madly in love with each other at first sight. Delando was charmed by her noble features, brilliant mind, and kind heart, while Felindia, for her part, found Delando's strapping good looks and loyal nature to be utterly endearing.
Unlike many arranged marriages in Elothnin, Delando and Felindia have proven to be quite compatible, and have succeeded in establishing a happy life for themselves and their four children. After his father's retirement, Delando assumed his roles as governor, judge and leader for the area of West Fethil. Felindia, on the other hand, has taken it upon herself to singlehandedly uplift and edify the unwashed, ignorant masses of the Fethil, leading efforts to improve local schooling, sanitation and services. Despite the dramatic improvements made by Felindia's efforts, the Worthis's still elected to send their progeny to Opleneer for training more suitable to their rank and station in society.
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