Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Oh, Jarthreaders, I do hope that your holidays have been as joyful as ours have, here at Jarthen HQ. First, I'd like to pass along some holiday greetings sent to us from our dear friend Madge:

She wrote that she has begun playing World of Warcraft (like someone around here) to fill the void left by our shameful lack of posting, and that that her troll is badass and would own you in a duel. That's a direct quote.

We have our own christmas present for you as well! View, at your leisure, the incredibly professional powerpoint presentation that made the reimagined Jarthen blog possible:

Enjoy the holidays!

- Jon and Melissa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! We missed you so, and we're excited to see how Jarthen develops! Yay!