Sunday, August 26, 2007

Podomatic sucks

Hi guys,

It's your faithful blog manager here to give you some less-than-awesome news: our podcast hosting site screwed us over. What happened is that Podomatic, the site we were using, was doing site maintenance....and magically all our our episodes got eaten. So, we decided to switch sites ad start anew. Now, we're at Podbean, which still lets us embed players in our blog here and everything. I've gone through the trouble of re-uploading all the episodes and re-embedding them in the post they're supposed to be in, so you should hardly notice the difference here.

ITunes is a different story. When we switched sites, our feed switched...and then we canceled our old account. What that means is iTunes is basically getting information from a feed that no longer exists, and for the life of me I can figure out how to go in and just edit the damn thing through iTunes. I think we may not be able to. So, I've re-submitted the podcast. Hopefully it will be re-accepted, by there's a chance this might drag on if the iTunes people decide it's a redundant podcast. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, those of you who are subscribed through iTunes should consider subscribing to the blog's feed in the interim so that you don't miss a precious episode.


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